Gameplay-wise RIFT has about the same combat and addictive/grinding gameplay like all other MMO's. The comparisons between RIFT and WoW for example have been beat to death so far, so I'll spare you of that boring drivel. But RIFT does offer a level of detail rarely seen in other games, granting it a slick, translucent feel of a triple A game. In an interview a long time ago, Trion mentioned that to stay alive in the competitive world of mmo's, they needed to adept and evolve. Rift's answer to that was definitely by it's amazing graphics. It is a bold move as well since the lower the specs an mmo has, typically the more subscribers it can rake in. You can see that by having a look at previews of the new Star Wars mmo, or by Blizzard's constant catering to its own Midas-complex.

The other commendable element is Trion's fastpaced highquality patching service. In my interview with Hergen Thaens, the German community manager, I was told it was their aim to keep bringing out a new patch packed with new content each 6 weeks. In its latest patch we got a new battleground, a new post lvling system to customize your role even more, and my favourite: Chronicles, which is a sort of co-op mode for dungeons. An amazing feature that's just perfect for the people that play it only casually with a friend or partner.
The story of Hergen Thaens himself is both remarkable and enviable, having been picked for the function after he quit his old boring job. Having been active in the German community he was being referred after there was a job vacancy for a local community manager.
It proves, there's hope for us all!
He also hinted at an expansion for the game, so we can start speculating on that.
To celebrate the new patch I have a free copy of RIFT to hand-out, courtesy of Trion, to anyone currently living in the UK or Belgium. All you need to do is tell me what the world of Rift is called:
A: Azeroth
B: Kansas
C: Telara
D: Erfworld
Mail me your answer, name and address at confuzzledgeek AT gmail DOT com and I will randomly pick a winner with the correct answer.
If your email bounces back, please get off my interwebs, turn off your computer, and do the world a favour and never turn it back on.
I'd like to thank the German community manager Hergen Thaens, but also the French communtiy manager Michael Servotte for the free copy, the interviews at Eurogamer Expo, and for just being all-round awesome peeps.
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