There's lots of sequels this year I've been looking forward to: Guild Wars 2, Torchlight 2, Bioshock Infinite. The most underrated perhaps is Darksiders 2.
The first installment received its fair share of (perhaps deserved) criticism. Mostly due to it borrowing so many game mechanics and styles from other games (Zelda, God of war, Portal)
The end result though was still a visually stunning masterpiece thanks to Joe Madueira's visual art-direction and the crisp look of Vigil's graphics engine.
The second game will now focus on another iconic Rider of the Apocalypse: Death
There's a trailer that quite poignantly depicts him throughout our history by hiding him in many of our paintings and murals. The paintings illustrate many of our revolutions and wars detailing each of Death's many roles: Solider, Executioner, ...
His ghostly mask leaving his mark throughout humanity's history.
You can watch it here:

Check the life-sized mask!
This article has been sponsored by THQ, although all my thoughts are my own
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