Greed Corp can be defined as an RTS game entirely based on resource management. To win the game it requires you to drain resources in the map, but by doing so you inadvertently start a race against the clock of your own demise. This alone adds a feature quite unique in a landscape of RTS that is otherwise getting rather bloated.
The gameplay reminded me a lot of the Everlands game, which also featured a hexagonic turn-based strategic gameplay, and which also devoured quite a bit of hours of my life.Even though being a simple game, it's extremely fun with a great variety of tactics that keeps the game open for multiple playing sessions, however I can see it becoming boring after a while.
Overall I'd say this is a casual and charming little game well worth its money.
And not to forget, it has some absolutely amazing artwork that mixes up steampunk with cuteness. A combobreaker that reeks of pure awesomeness, in my opinion. But check for yourself!
See the Steam game at:
and the website at:

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